Carrie: You're not seriously smoking it, are you? ..

.. Aidan: Is that all you can carry, Carrie?
Carrie: I can't even carry the cake.
Aidan: Sure you can... Here.
Carrie: Now you got your fingers all in it. Aw, that's my cake!
Aidan: So now you want the cake?
Carrie: I never not wanted it.
Aidan: Okay lady, you take the cake
Sex and the City ikväll! ska bli så fantastiska underbart. först blir det en middag på stan med sandra, sen vid 12.15 bär det av mot biografen, fabulous!
Carrie: I can't even carry the cake.
Aidan: Sure you can... Here.
Carrie: Now you got your fingers all in it. Aw, that's my cake!
Aidan: So now you want the cake?
Carrie: I never not wanted it.
Aidan: Okay lady, you take the cake
Sex and the City ikväll! ska bli så fantastiska underbart. först blir det en middag på stan med sandra, sen vid 12.15 bär det av mot biografen, fabulous!